Life & Self-Care

“Celebrate the effort, not the result” – Dr. Cathy Collautt

In a previous post, I had mentioned how an interview and article from Catherine Collautt had changed the way I viewed failure.

Her tips did not numb the pain. But these helped me adjust my thoughts and incorporate a new habit that somehow softened the blow of rejections. At the same time, these life lessons made my journey a lot more fun.

“Celebrate the effort, not the result.” That was one of Cathy Collautt’s tips.

And I did exactly that. Since I love food, I bought myself a nice little treat each time I took a risk, submitted an application, or joined a competition. Or I would watch a movie on my laptop or spend a day doing nothing. Whatever it is that makes me happy and can fit into my budget, I give to myself.

The rewards varied but the effect on me remained the same: I felt good for taking a risk. There had been days when I looked forward to actually taking another risk just so I could give myself another treat.

I guess rewarding myself for the effort feels so good also because it allows me to be kind to myself. Heaven knows I am doing the best I can. And by treating myself well regardless of the result (instead of beating myself up each time), I am able to replenish my emotional tank much more quickly.

What about you, have you rewarded yourself for being brave today?

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