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Experiencing the Abundance Within Us

The importance of developing an abundance mindset was not a new life lesson for me. After reading articles and listening to videos and podcasts, I began listing things I am thankful for in my life.

As a way of increasing self-love (instead of listening to the constant barrage of criticism within and around me), I began listing things I appreciate about myself.

I realize now that these things are easier to do when things are looking up or going well. But when I began encountering failure and rejection almost everyday, it got hard. I would still make these lists, but I was emotionally removed from it. It had become a chore, just another item in my daily to-do list.

On the one hand, the list reminded me to look at the many ways I have been blessed each day. On the other, I had become so detached from my list I no longer felt grateful. I do ask myself, “Why? What is so scary about allowing the feeling of thankfulness to sink in?”

a-new-earth-9780452287587-mdMy only answers now are: (1) I can’t believe I’m worthy of these blessings; and (2) My attention is focused on just one area of my life, and since that’s also the area where I am experiencing rejection almost daily, I did not feel blessed. I actually felt deprived.

I was browsing Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth and came across the section on abundance. I’m taking it as life’s invitation to experience life in a deeper, and lighter, way. My favorite parts are:


And today, I also received this post by James Altucher on The First Thing To Do After a Massive FailureJames enumerated some of the things he had been grateful for even as he lost millions (funds supposedly for his kids and his retirement) in a span of four days.

“When imprisoned in the solitary confinement of fear, the first challenge is to find the grace and honesty to see what is still fortunate in life. This is exactly the seed that will create future fortune.” ~ James Altucher

So today, I challenge myself to apply this life lesson: not just to list down my blessings, but to feel fully what it’s like to be blessed. And to build my life from a place of abundance I have always had within.

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