Hobbies and Interests · Travel

Exploring Manila’s Intramuros

Walking along the streets of Intramuros and seeing several well-preserved houses, churces, and government buildings is an experience in itself. A few areas, however, can only be explored for a fee. But last September, an Intramuros Open House was held as part of National Tourism Week, and entrance fees for Fort Santiago, Casa Manila, and… Continue reading Exploring Manila’s Intramuros

Hobbies and Interests · Travel

I toured my neighborhood and found … the longest-running gallery in the country

"One of the first things you learn when you travel is that nowhere is magical unless you can bring the right eyes to it." ~ Pico Iyer Despite my being ____, life doesn't end in a period.  This week's discovery is an art exhibit on mental health entitled, "Despite my being ____, life doesn't end… Continue reading I toured my neighborhood and found … the longest-running gallery in the country

Hobbies and Interests · Life & Self-Care · movies

Takeaways from Stories (Movies, TV series)

Photo source: TiaLife (Pixabay) As with fiction books, I have come to value movies and TV series not merely for their entertainment value, but as another way of sharing real-life stories and messages. We resonate with the characters because we can empathize with them. We've felt their hurt, their joy, and witnessed some of their… Continue reading Takeaways from Stories (Movies, TV series)